Is Beef Jerky Keto-Friendly?

Is Beef Jerky Keto-Friendly?

Have you been eating beef jerky as part of your keto diet?

It’s a popular diet for good reason. Many people have seen their extra weight disappear while feeling the benefits to their overall health. In fact, ketogenic diets can help those with diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, and more.

While it may seem obvious that beef jerky has the low carbs and high fat you need for ketosis, it’s important to realize that not all beef jerky is created equally. 

Can You Eat Beef Jerky on Keto?

The answer to your slow-burning question is yes — beef jerky is keto-friendly. However, not all beef jerky brands are seasoned appropriately for your keto diet. 

There is a growing trend of brands that use their own stamps of approval to incorrectly designate themselves as keto-friendly, gluten-free, sugar-free, and more. For instance, there is no real designation that qualifies a food as keto-friendly.

So that beef jerky you picked up because it claims to be keto-friendly? Make sure you’re really looking at the nutrition facts and doing your own research. There’s a good chance that your beef jerky snack isn’t as in line with your diet goals as you think. 

You’ve chosen the keto diet to improve your health. So you are probably aware of the downfalls of high-sugar and high-carb diets. 

What you may not realize is many brands sneak sugar into their foods — it makes them tastier and more likely to become your go-to snack. Avoid unintentionally filling up on high-sugar and high-carb beef jerky by looking at the labels. provides the nutritional information for each and every one of our products as well as on our Nutrition Facts page. You can see for yourself that most of our beef jerky has zero or very low sugar and carbohydrate content. 

[Related: Is Beef Jerky Healthy?]

Eat Keto-Friendly Beef Jerky and Stay Full Longer

The guidelines of a keto-friendly diet alone will keep you full longer and help you avoid midday energy slumps. Although calorie counting is not a component of the keto diet, over-snacking can slow your progress.

This is where beef jerky comes in as the perfect keto-friendly snack — as long as it’s low sugar and low carb!

When you buy your beef jerky from a transparent and trusted source like, you can be sure that your snacks are keeping you on track. 

Avoid the cookies in the office snack machine by keeping a bag of beef jerky at your desk and in your bag. Have an upcoming road trip? Prepare ahead of time to ensure you have the protein-packed energy fuel you’ll need to avoid gas station candy bars. 

Whether you’re in the office, the gym, on the road, or just swamped from everyday duties, beef jerky is always great to keep within reach.

[Related: Can Pregnant Women Eat Beef Jerky?]

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