Contribute to the Jerky Universe

Welcome to the Jerky Universe!

Are you ready to grow your audience? How about by tapping into our network of jerky lovers? 

The Jerky Universe blog is the best place to stay up to date on all things jerky, including brand highlights, product info, resources, recipes and oodles more!

We’re always on the lookout for jerky experts and enthusiasts to partner with. So needless to say, we’d love for you to contribute to the Jerky Universe’s blog or reviews!

If you have a special place in your heart (and stomach) for jerky and its passionate community, this is your spot to start guest-posting!


Perks of Guest-Posting 

By guest-posting here, you’ll boost your readership and personal brand. Get ready to build relationships with food industry professionals, amplify your profile as a thought leader and bolster your network.

Plus, you’ll expand your galaxy by growing your audience, attracting leads and subscribers, ratcheting up SEO, driving traffic to your site and nailing down solid backlinks.


The Jerky Universe Audience

Here’s a quick rundown of our stats (they’ll help you tweak your submission):

  • Website metrics: 
    • Domain authority: 30
    • Website traffic: About 4,200 visitors monthly
  • Newsletter subscribers: 32,714
  • Social media followers: 3,438 on Facebook and 1,022 on Instagram
  • Top five states: California, Virginia, Texas, New York and Ohio
  • Top age groups: 25-34 and 35-44
  • Readership by sex: About 60% male to 40% female

Program Overview

We like fresh, informative content that speaks to jerky aficionados. Feel free to get creative and colorful — think about the stuff you like to read! And originality is kind of our thing, so you’ll have better chances of getting published when you use it.

With that in mind, here are a few tips:

  • Follow Associated Press (AP) style.
  • Check facts, cite stats and attribute appropriately.
  • Keep pieces around 600 to 1,000 words.
  • Break out your best grammar and use logical headings.
  • Try not to get too salesy (think about the savoriness of establishing thought leadership with our audience).
  • Follow one of four article types: top-funnel content, brand spotlight, product review or listicle (check out the details in our guidelines).
  • Offer useful information in engaging, clear language.
  • Include an image with your post (and jerky photos aren’t mandatory — or even your best option).
  • Remember that individuality, style and substance go a long way.
  • Have fun while you write! 

Our Process

Here’s our process — we’ll get into the juicy stuff in greater depth below:

  • Decide topic and post type
  • Submit guest article
  • Wait excitedly for us to edit your article
  • Review article
  • Publish
  • Get leads!

Post Types 

All guest post submissions should follow one of these four recommended post types.

1. Top-Funnel Content

Top-funnel content doesn’t try to sell the audience on a product or service. Instead, it educates, helps, answers common questions or addresses pain points.

Top-Funnel Content Topic Examples

2. Listicle 

Listicles cover a lot of info by breaking it into small chunks that readers easily understand. 

When it comes to complex topics, listicles are great for conveying info to readers who are unfamiliar with the subject matter.

You arrange the info in listicles into a numbered or bulleted list.

Listicle Content Examples

3. Brand Spotlight

With a brand spotlight, you write about a specific jerky brand. Consider including company info, like its story, history, products and what you like about the brand.

4. Product Review 

This is an honest review of a jerky product. All reviews should have an overall star rating alongside the content. 

Include notes about flavor, meat type(s) used, price, available sizes, heat profile, tough-to-tender ratio, nutritional content, ingredient features (hormone-free, nitrate-free, halal, kosher, etc.) and diet-friendly options (Whole30, keto, paleo, gluten-free, etc.).

Star Ratings

5 Stars

Reserve five-star ratings for your all-time favorites. This jerky checks all your boxes and has something extra special that makes it out-of-this-world good.

4 Stars

Use four-star ratings for great jerky. It’s tasty and has everything you look for in a jerky that makes you over the moon for the brand.


3 Stars

Save three-star ratings for jerky that’s pretty good but doesn’t have some unique features or offerings. The brand hits the mark, but it doesn’t really stand out.

2 Stars

Use two-star ratings for a jerky that you might buy when you don’t have a better option. The brand’s down to earth, but it doesn’t quite hit the spot.

1 Star

Well, save one-star ratings for a jerky that you’ll never retry — even if it’s the only option available. The brand’s got problems, and you’ll never buy it again.


Editorial Style Guide

All guest post submissions should stick to the following style guidelines.

Word Count 

Make sure submissions include at least 600 words. That length ensures you cover all the topic’s important points and provide value to our readers.


Keep the tone conversational, and write to no higher than an eighth-grade reading level. After all, everyone eats jerky!

No one likes jerky that’s too tough and chewy. The same goes for content.


Remember to attribute all statistics, third-party photos and other external content/media to the original sources.

Original Content 

Write a post that’s fully original. The text comes from you alone, except for any cited statistics or quotes.

We accept only wholly original content, and we’ll verify that your submission doesn’t exist elsewhere before we accept it. 

Once we accept content for publication, you shouldn’t publish it elsewhere. 


If you include a backlink to your site, include only one.


Editing Process

We want everything we publish to be in the best shape possible. 

As such, we reserve the right to edit your content. (Don’t worry — we’ll give you a final look before we publish anything.)

Here’s what our editor will look for.

  • Spelling/grammar: Please run a standard spelling and grammar check.
  • AP Style: We use it.
  • Brevity: Don’t use two words when one will do.
  • Readability: We like simple words, short sentences/paragraphs and a clear heading structure.
  • Clarity: If we can’t understand your content, our readers probably won’t be able to, either.
  • Style: You get bonus points if you can do all of the above and still write with personality and pizzazz.


Ready for Liftoff?

You’re probably gnawing on a slab of sweet, spicy jerky right now, so why not write about it? Give it some thought, heed your taste buds, and contact us about showcasing your post! 

Hey, we can’t wait to meet you in the Jerky Universe

Ready for liftoff in 10… 9… 8… 7…

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